

WirelessGate Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) provides the “RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM” (hereinafter referred to as “this service”) with the following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as “these terms”):

Article 1 (Content of the service)

The content of this service shall be as shown in the “RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM service list” (hereinafter referred to as “Appendix”) of these terms.

Our company may change the content of this service. In addition, the content of this service may change due to the response of the mobile phone carrier (hereinafter referred to as “mobile phone carrier”) that provides the service for this service.

Article 2 (Communication area)

The communication area of ​​this service shall be the same as the communication area of ​​the mobile phone carrier. This service can be used only when the connected terminal device is within the communication area. However, even within the communication area, communication may not be possible in places where radio waves are difficult to transmit, such as indoors, underground parking lots, behind buildings, tunnels, and mountainous areas.
If a contractor (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) who has agreed to these terms and conditions and concluded a contract for the use of this service incurs damages due to the use of this service, even if the Company is found to have slight negligence, the Company will only be liable for damages that are direct and normally caused by the use of this service, and will not be liable for other special damages.

Article 3 (Establishment and Period of Contract)

The contract for the use of this service (hereinafter referred to as “Service Contract”) will be established when the Company confirms the initial communication using the SIM card and eSIM (hereinafter referred to as “SIM”) required for the Contractor to use this service. In addition, the Company has set an activation period for each SIM, and the activation procedure cannot be carried out after this period.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the package purchase contract will be established when the package is delivered after payment, and the package cannot be returned or exchanged after the package purchase contract is established.

After the contract is established, the period for the provision of this service will be as specified in the attached document.
Article 4 (Restrictions on Transfer of Rights, etc.)
The Contractor may not transfer the right to receive the service under this service contract or the SIM card.
The Contractor may not resell this service or allow a third party to use this service.
Article 5 (Requirements for Use of Service)
The following requirements apply to the use of this service.
(1) The IP address used by the Contractor in this service will be designated by our company. The Contractor may not use this service using any IP address other than the designated IP address.
(2) The Contractor shall comply with the following items regarding the SIM.
(i) Except with the consent of our company, the Contractor shall not disassemble, damage, reverse engineer the software of the SIM, or use it for purposes other than the normal use of the SIM.
(ii) The Contractor shall manage the SIM card with the care of a good manager.
(3) If the use of this service is terminated for any reason, or if the Contractor no longer uses the SIM, the Contractor shall return the SIM to our company as much as possible.
(4) If the SIM is lost or damaged, no replacement will be provided.
(5) In addition to the provisions of other parts of these Terms and Conditions, in order to ensure the quality and fairness of use of the Service, if the amount of communication traffic of the Subscriber within a certain period of time exceeds the standard separately set by the Company, the Company may restrict the use of communication without prior notice to the Subscriber, and the Subscriber agrees to this in advance.
Article 6 (Restrictions on Use)
The Company may temporarily restrict communication in the event of technical, maintenance, or other unavoidable circumstances arising from the Company’s business, or in the event of restrictions on communication use by the mobile phone carrier based on the provisions of the contract terms for the telecommunications service provided by the mobile phone carrier or the provisions of the contract concluded between the mobile phone carrier and the Company. In addition, the Service does not guarantee the availability, delay time, or other quality of communication.
In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Subscriber may not claim any damages from the Company for the restriction of communication, except in the case of intentional or gross negligence by the Company.
Article 7 (Limits on communication hours, etc.)
In addition to the cases prescribed in the preceding article, when communication traffic is significantly congested, the Company may restrict communication hours or the use of communication in a specific area.
In the case of the preceding paragraph, in order to give priority to communications that are necessary for disaster prevention or relief, for securing transportation, communication or power supplies, or for maintaining order in the event of or in the event of a natural disaster, incident, or other emergency, and communications that are urgently required for the public interest, the Company may take measures to suspend the use of communication (including measures to suspend communication to subscriber lines, etc. in a specific area) other than mobile radio devices (limited to those specified by the Company, contract carriers, or mobile phone carriers in consultation with those organizations) used by institutions designated by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications in a public notice pursuant to the provisions of the Enforcement Regulations of the Telecommunications Business Act.
When communication hours in a certain period exceed the hours specified by the Company, or when communication capacity in a certain period exceeds the capacity specified by the Company, the Company may restrict or disconnect such communication in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 2.
In order to ensure fair use among subscribers and to provide the Service smoothly, the Company may restrict the speed and amount of communication using communication procedures that continuously and heavily occupy bandwidth, such as video playback and file sharing (P2P) applications.
In the cases of the preceding four paragraphs, the Subscriber may not claim any damages from the Company due to the restriction of communication time, etc.
In order to restrict communication time, etc. as stipulated in this article, the Company may collect, analyze, and store information related to communication.
Article 8 (Suspension of Use, etc.)
The Company may suspend the provision of all or part of the Service or restrict the use of the Subscriber’s use if any of the following reasons apply to the Subscriber.
(1) When the Contractor violates the Contractor’s obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions.

(2) When the Contractor uses the Service in a manner that is illegal or clearly contrary to public order and morals.

(3) When the Contractor uses the Service in a manner that seriously impedes the use of the Service by those who directly or indirectly use the Service provided by the Company.

(4) When the Contractor uses the Service in a manner that may damage the credibility of the Service provided by the Company.

(5) When the Contractor uses the Service in a manner that the Company deems inappropriate, other than as set forth in the preceding paragraphs.

Since the Company does not hold the Contractor’s individual contact information, the Company will not contact the Contractor regarding the suspension or restriction of use as set forth in the preceding paragraph. However, if the Contractor contacts the Company’s support desk, the Company will explain the reason (the reason set forth in the preceding paragraph), the period, and the conditions for restoration, etc., after conducting the required identity verification.

Article 9 (Prohibitions of Contractor)

When using the Service, the Contractor shall not engage in the following acts.

(1) Acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights or other rights of others. Actions that violate the property, privacy, or portrait rights of others

(2) Actions that slander or libel others or damage their reputation or credibility

(3) Actions that induce or incite criminal acts such as fraud or obstruction of business

(4) Actions that transmit or post images or documents that are obscene, child pornography, or child abuse

(5) Actions that are linked or likely to be linked to drug crimes or the abuse of controlled substances, or advertising unapproved medicines, etc. Actions that advertise money lending without being registered as a money lending business

(6) Actions that establish or solicit pyramid schemes

(7) Actions that falsify or delete information that can be used through this service, such as other people’s websites

(8) Actions that share one’s own ID information with others or leave it in a state where it can be shared by others

(9) Actions that use this service by impersonating another person (taking advantage of another user’s ID (10) Sending computer viruses or other harmful computer programs, or leaving them available for others to receive. (11) Posting advertisements or other posts on bulletin boards, etc. (including netnews, mailing lists, chats, etc.) managed by others with content or in a manner contrary to the wishes of the administrator. (12) Sending advertising or solicitation emails, etc. without the recipient’s consent. (13) Sending emails, etc. (harassing emails) that are disgusting or likely to disgust the recipient, without the recipient’s consent. (14) Making someone engage in illegal gambling or soliciting someone to participate in illegal gambling or solicitation. (15) Contracting, mediating, or inducing (including requesting others to do so) illegal activities (transferring handguns, illegally manufacturing explosives, providing child pornography, forging official documents, murder, blackmail, etc.). (16) Sending cruel information such as images of murder scenes, images of killing or abusing animals, or other information that is considered socially disgusting to others to an unspecified number of people

(17) Acts of inviting or soliciting people to commit suicide, or acts such as introducing methods of suicide that are likely to cause harm to others

(18) Acts of encouraging unspecified people to post information that is linked to or is likely to be linked to crimes or illegal acts, or information that unfairly slanders, defames, or insults others, or violates their privacy

(19) Any other act that the Company determines to be in violation of public order and morals, or infringes the rights of others

(20) Acts of accessing the facilities, equipment, or devices of others without authorization

(21) Acts of using the Service in a manner that places a significant burden on servers, etc. managed by others, or acts that interfere with their operation

(22) Posting a link in a manner that encourages an act that falls under any of the preceding items, while knowing that the act falls under any of the preceding items.

(23) Any other act that violates laws, regulations, or public order and morals, or that seriously infringes the rights of others.

(24) Any act that the Company determines may fall under any of the preceding items.

Article 11 (Representations and warranties regarding antisocial forces)
The Contractor represents and warrants that at the time of and after the conclusion of this Service Agreement, he/she is not a member of an organized crime group, a company or organization related to an organized crime group, or any other antisocial force (collectively referred to as “antisocial forces”), and is not controlled or influenced by antisocial forces.
If the Company reasonably determines that the Contractor falls under any of the following items, the Company may terminate this Service Agreement without any notice.
Belonging to antisocial forces
Antisocial forces are substantially involved in management
Utilizing antisocial forces
Involved in providing funds or convenience to antisocial forces
Having a socially reprehensible relationship with antisocial forces
Having used fraud, violent acts, or threatening language against related parties, either by itself or through a third party
Any contracting party that falls under any of the items in the preceding paragraph shall be liable to compensate the Company for damages suffered as a result of the termination, and shall not be able to demand compensation from the Company for damages suffered by the contracting party.
Article 12 (Other)
Even if any provision of these Terms is found to be in violation of law, invalid, or unenforceable, the provisions other than that provision shall remain valid and enforceable.
Our rights arising from these Terms shall not be waived unless the Company expressly notifies the Contracting Party that it will waive the rights.
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the domestic laws of Japan, and any disputes relating to these Terms or the Service, or any rights and obligations arising from the Service, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.
Any lawsuit relating to the Service must be filed within one year after the cause of action arises.


Services Plans Availability Period High-Speed Capacity
RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM eSIM for Japan 3GB|21Days 21days 3GB
RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM eSIM for Japan 5GB|21Days 21days 5GB
RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM eSIM for Japan 15GB|21Days 21days 15GB
RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM eSIM for Japan 50GB|21Days 21days 50GB
RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM eSIM for Japan 100GB|31Days 31days 100GB
RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM eSIM for Japan 8days|Daily 2GB + unlimited 8days 2GB per day
RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM eSIM for Japan 15days|Daily 2GB + unlimited 15days 2GB per day
RakuRaku JAPAN eSIM JAPAN eSIM Trial Plan|500MB 2Days 2days 500MB
1. If the amount of high-speed communication data exceeds the plan-specified capacity, the communication speed will be limited to 200 Kbps for the duration of the available period.

2. For the purpose of providing fair service, we may temporarily limit the communication speed when sending/receiving a large amount of data in a short period of time that may affect other customers’ use of the service. The service period for each plan is the number of available days from the date of service opening, which is the date when we confirm the first communication.

